Tried to found a salon, opened a restaurant
BONNIE Ain't you ashamed? Tryin' to steal an old lady's automobile. CLYDE I been thinkin' about buyin' me one. BONNIE Bull. You ain't got money for dinner, let alone buy no car. CLYDE Now I got enough money for cokes, and since it don't look like you're gonna invite me inside-- BONNIE You'd steal the dining room table if I did. CLYDE Come to town with me, then. How'd that be? BONNIE Goin' to work anyway.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Saturday, November 13, 2010
my life
i buy my kisses
in cigarette packets
with the money mum gives me
to buy the dinner
that would put fat on my bones
and i make out
with fire
in the garden at night
when my house is sleeping
i look at the stars
and wish this kiss would last forever
but too soon it burns my mouth
so i put it out
throw the butt
over the fence
behind my neighbours garage
some day might be found
the ends of my love
when the garage gets pulled down
but i will be far from here then
and i love my dog so much
for holding his bark when i sneak in
and lock the door behind me
i fill a glass with water
and as i drink
smell the smoke in the skin
of my fingers
then i put in my retainer
which keeps my teeth from slipping
back out of perfection
and i climb into bed
and dream of adventures
with girls
the most beautiful of which
i know
already exists
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
i should write more than that i think. because it looks like im trying to be cryptic or something and im not and i dislike people who do. i dont know what to say though. because to be honest its been a few weeeks i think since the day i heard them kissing beside me without turning my head. i put my hood up. its purple. i cried that night. but the ffeeelings have sunken in and theres just envy left. i think. i envy her because she has someone and shes happy. i envy him because he can make her happy and he has her to make him happy. even though the same thing will happen to him. honestly im not enough of a bastard to wish it on him. but its happened with i think the last 3 guys shes gone out with. oh no i really hope shes sorted her shit out now and i hope they stay happy together especially because if they dont my heads gonna have more things to throw around in it. oh and things are going well with 'you-dont-know-who'. we went to the beach and sat by the empty paddling pool and i told her about how indie the little girls playing in it were, and how i was go ask one of them out. thered be a bitchfight fo sho. if you guys knew her youd all be so jealous of me that shes my friend. and not just because she dyed her hair a darker brown and it looks reeeeeally pretty but also because she says things like 'i had a teddy bear when i was a kid. i called it orphan.'
Sunday, July 18, 2010
theres a weird sort of happiness comes from realizing accepting things. ive been listening to sinead o'connor "nothing compares to you" on repeat. there are only a few people i spend all my time thinking about, in this way my thoughts and feelings make quite a lot of progress in the time between i see them. i have gotten better at thinking and thinking until i can sum things up in a sentence which i like to write in a notebook. and this is healthy, like eating an apple every day. its more the swallowing and the realization that this is an apple and accepting that you will digest said apple and then poos. and theres a few of these i write down here:::: you instantly became everything i wanted in myself and someone else.youre uniqueness is bordering on overly intense.but just not quite which makes you suuuper. i like you because you seem to have an obsession with pretending to be mute even though youve never read the catcher in the rye. but youre not as nice as your soft voice suggests. because you can hurt me so easily. maybe its not your fault its mine for being to soft. i also decided that kids whose arses get smacked become adults with consciences that weigh them down and fear of nothing in particular but the next big hiding that fate deals them. i dont want you anymore. i still want you. im still stupid.
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