I was watching stuff I taped off tv a while ago since it's the holidays.
There was that episode of the Mighty Boosh when they're on that island. The day after I recorded that (I think) was the day Andrew and I got lost out in fucking darfield looking for sam's house. I think that's right because we kept doing lines from it especially "Milky, you son of a bitch!" So that was crazy thinking what shit was going on when I taped it.
Then there was that heavy metal documentary I taped off of C4 like a year and a half ago. I remember because they were all talking bout Satan and shit and my dad got pissed off. And after I watched it for the first time I couldn't get that little devil's interval out of my head from that song black sabbath by black sabbath. And so I thought "I've fucking gotta get that album" so my parents dropped me and my sister off at penny lane and I had $15 in my pocket I went straight to black sabbath and the album was there for $15 so I bought it straight away.
Then We left and we were walking down the road and I saw my parents at the traffic lights, and I didn't want them to know I got an album because then dad would be like fuck off you devil you and burn my record like he did to his. So, I went and hid in this garage which was really surreal and there were these mats lying out covered in perfectly arranged plastic buddhas and they were for sale and there was this old guy who looked like colonel sanders in a hawaiian shirt buying shitloads of them. and my parent drove off.
So my sister and I kept walking and over the bridge while I read all the satanic poetry that is printed inside the gatefold inside a big black inverted cross. God it was all too good. and then I realised that metallica's rob trujillo looks like sharlyn. Hahahahaha!
I got called a motherfucker by a stranger on an internet forum. and I just don't know how to feel, I tried thinking well, what a no life wanker he's probably a dickhead what do I care what he thinks, but I couldn't help feeling really bad. Words = Power. I saw a shite film on rialto channel about ewan macgregor and colin farrell buying a boat and naming it after his lucky dog at the races. But they were supposed to be brothers but he's scottish and he's irish , so ewan macgregor talked and sounded like jason gunn the whole timme and i started thinking that colin farrell looked like bob rasmusen..
Then I saw patti smith : dream of life which is a film about patti smith but NOT in the vein of other films such as 7 ages of ROCK: PUNK who name drop and flish flash. and I liked the way Rimbaud used the word "piss" it was so awesome when she was indicting george bush and she is like my favourite person right now. Patti smith, REM, cat power (I bought her cd You Are Free from galaxy records the other day then I got home and in the post was my rufus wainwright release the starts cd that I bought on ebay and I was like jeeeeesus so I promised myself to listen to cat power's fair share and leave rufus wrapped up till cat was dry. and a week later CAT IS NOT YET DRY! I like the cover it says "You Are Cat Power Free" and each word's in different colours) I also like charles manson's music (Especially "Look at your game girl") he has a pretty voice and was buddies with one of the beach boys (mike love?) Then he became famous for something much more suddenly<><><><><><><><>
What's wrong with pearl jam? I don't know! HAHAHAHA Miiiiiilky ya son of a bitch. Fuck! What ya doin'? you intellectuals, when you go, you really go" "From the moment i saw him i knew he was a killeur" "YOU Garlic Twit!!!" My wife loves him! A little too much if you know what I mean! Milky joe and the CO-CO NUTS"
Cassius by foals // six pack by black flag // the one i love by rem // new rose by the damned // heart of glass by blondie // pink frost by the chills // teenage kicks by the undertones // redondo beach by patti smith // werewolf by cat power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I wrote a poem about gay
"God is holy-I am not
"mmmm mmmm
"he's so hot
"God is great
"I saw him on tv
"mmmm mmmm
"he's so dreamy
I wrote another poem in the shower a while ago and i finally got it right -- it's about my special place ----
I walk in the field
under the sky
where all the birds go flying by
in flocks of twelve or twenty-five
or thirty
There is a stream that flows, divides
the big side from the little side
you can jump
it's not that wide
just dirty
Beneath the bridge
there is no rain
I'd like to sleep like kurt cobain
and all the other souls in pain
who told dead lies for no one's gain
before me
I'm saint francis of the suburban wasteland
and all the ducks
adore me
I was in the car the other night and we drove past this party bus in the other lane and there was this girl amidst all these other people parading about she was just staring out the window with her hands under her chin and she smiled at me as we drove past then there was this guy dressed up like some kind of dirty mexican with a sombrero and a big black fake moustache waving at me*******two step
BONNIE Ain't you ashamed? Tryin' to steal an old lady's automobile. CLYDE I been thinkin' about buyin' me one. BONNIE Bull. You ain't got money for dinner, let alone buy no car. CLYDE Now I got enough money for cokes, and since it don't look like you're gonna invite me inside-- BONNIE You'd steal the dining room table if I did. CLYDE Come to town with me, then. How'd that be? BONNIE Goin' to work anyway.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
I'm going to watch bluebirds fly Over my shoulder

Many thanks to bebo, I found out one of my childhood best friends is now a skinhead white supremacist (who is also having girl troubles). I just remembered about him when I used him to write the first chapter of my novel. I initially just wanted to record my memories before I forget them, then it turned into a poem (one of those modern kind of poems "Gasoline rainbows and the...... " you know the ones) but a poem like that can become prose if you just stop starting new lines all the time. And anyway ??? My novel, which is called Teenage Clump, is about a boy.
It's so funny that when I sleep with my blankets arranged orderly, my dreams have such blatant symbolism. It's impossible to ignore. They say so much about my life my love my sexuality my loss of faith that I couldn't put it in words myself I'm learning about myself and how I feel because I don't actually know, my subconcious does. Some dreams are so painful to me when I try dredging them back up in the morning. And some are so lovely I wish I could have them again. Some remind me of people I've forgotten about and sometimes I wish I could make myself dream about someone but then someone else might stay forgotten. I wish I had them all on tape in my wardrobe. I can't wait to see Die!Die!Die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes Coca Cola makes me so happy, so people are so nice. God I loved Andrew in that KFC cap this lunchtime. Sometimes you know like you just wanna be up there -- but for now here's a list -- He War by Cat Power
Snakeface by Throwing Muses
Instant Pleasure by Rufus Wainwright
Interstellar Overdrive by Pink Floyd
Satellite of Love by Lou Reed
Kimberly by Patti Smith
Pretty Girls Make Graves by The Smiths
In the aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel
Fly by Nick DrakeManon by Serge Gainsbourg
Elephant Gun by Beirut
All the Young Dudes by Mott the Hoople

Kitty Kat,
T Rex,
Yeah Yeah Yeah
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